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Zakaria Odeh

Zakaria Odeh is the director of the Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem, an NGO dedicated to Palestinian human rights. He has warned that the relocation of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem will endanger future peace negotiations.

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Reporting on Islam

While nearly 1 in four people identify as Muslim across the globe, a Pew Research survey in 2019 found that only six-in-ten U.S. adults know that Ramadan is an Islamic holy month and that Mecca is Islam’s holiest city and a place of pilgrimage for Muslims.  Since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the U.S. Muslim […]

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Promoting your work

How can a religion writer get more religion news stories into the paper or on air? By Michael Paulson The Boston Globe* In my experience, editors are always hungry for good stories about any subject, and religion is no exception. To get more religion stories into the paper, apply the same rigorous reporting and writing […]

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Revealing your religion

When do you reveal your religion to sources? By Julia Lieblich Chicago Tribune* Several years ago, I spent time with a Jehovah’s Witness family in Tennessee, hanging out with a mother and her children during home schooling, church services and door-to-door proselytizing. I didn’t tell the family about my faith, and I was relieved the […]

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Bitterlemons is an online roundtable, a publication on the Middle East put out by Palestinian sociologist Ghassan Khatib and Yossi Alpher, a consultant on Israeli-related strategic issues.

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