Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is an online community of pro-evolutionists who scorn the intelligent design camp’s idea of a designer by ascribing the designer the personality of a giant ball of pasta. Adherents are known as “Pastafarians.” Bobby Henderson runs the site.

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Creation Research Society

The Creation Research Society is an Arizona-based organization of scientists and laypeople committed to what it calls “scientific special creation.” Board members are listed on the website.

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International Darwin Day Foundation

Feb. 11, 2005, is celebrated as Darwin Day, an international observance of Charles Darwin’s work on evolution. Check out International Darwin Day Foundation’s site that maintains a list of celebrations of the naturalist’s birthday around the world, including the United States.

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TalkOrigins Archive

The TalkOrigins Archive explores the creationism/evolution controversy in support of mainstream scientific thought, but it includes many links to creationist and intelligent design networks and articles.

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