Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in Princeton, N.J., funds Faith in Action, a program using congregations and other community groups to provide greater access to health care for the ill, including those with Alzheimer’s. Doug Smith is program coordinator for Faith in Action, which is based at Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, N.C.

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Society for Clinical Trials

The Society for Clinical Trials is a unique group of representatives from government, academia, industry, for-profit and non-profit sectors that share is a common desire to learn, while advancing the field of clinical research. Contact Elizabeth Franks.

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Cancer Patients Alliance

Cancer Patients Alliance is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization led by a Medical Director and a five-member scientific board of highly regarded specialists in oncology from around the world. Their mission is to promote awareness, increase education and further pancreatic cancer research.

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