Hindu chic? From the yoga craze to the movie ‘Eat Pray Love’

If Hindus haven’t replaced WASPs as the religious elite of America, they’re doing quite well for a relatively small (about 2 million) community of fairly recent arrivals to the United States. The movie Eat Pray Love has lovely scenes of India and Hindu practice, and star Julia Roberts says she is now a Hindu.

Moreover, yoga continues to be one of the most popular recreational and spiritual activities in America, while belief in reincarnation — a tenet of traditional Hinduism — is spreading.

Yet there are drawbacks to this growing popularity. Some purists say that yoga, for example, has been exploited by the fitness industry and corrupted beyond recognition as a spiritual practice, and others say movies like Eat Pray Love reinforce a kind of Western “spiritual tourism” in India that is superficial at best.

And of course many Christian leaders in particular are not happy about their flocks adopting aspects of a pluralistic faith like Hinduism. Evangelist Franklin Graham was openly scornful of Hinduism during a debate in May over how to mark the National Day of Prayer. “None of their 9,000 gods is going to lead me to salvation,” he said.

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