Milken Archive of American Jewish Music

The Milken Archive of American Jewish Music takes as its mission to record and document 350 years of American Jewish music, both religious and secular. Neil Levin is the artistic director. The archive has offices in New York City and Santa Monica, Calif.

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Limmud NY

Limmud NY works to promote Jewish learning and cultural celebration through an annual weekend of events in New York City. Sivie Twersky is its president.

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Gateways is a nonprofit organization that works to fight assimilation by connecting Jews to Jewish life, religion and culture. It is based in Monsey, N.Y. Its founder and director is Rabbi Mordechai Suchard.

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Foundation for Jewish Culture

The Foundation for Jewish Culture provides grants, awards and other opportunities to individual artists and scholars who it believes will advance Jewish culture and community. At present, the foundation does not have a staffed office.

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Zeek: A Jewish Journal of Thought and Culture

Zeek: A Jewish Journal of Thought and Culture is a print and online magazine that “represents, defines and creates New Jewish Culture … [and] builds a bridge between religious and secular, connects Israeli creativity with the diaspora, and helps to create a vital, inclusive Judaism for the 21st century.” Jo Ellen Green Kaiser is editor in […]

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Tikkun is a bimonthly magazine that covers politics, culture and society. It is published in Berkeley, Calif., with a progressive Jewish sensibility and is edited by Rabbi Michael Lerner. It maintains a network of Tikkun communities throughout the U.S. that are geared toward progressive social action.

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