Milken Archive of American Jewish Music

The Milken Archive of American Jewish Music takes as its mission to record and document 350 years of American Jewish music, both religious and secular. Neil Levin is the artistic director. The archive has offices in New York City and Santa Monica, Calif.

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Jews for Judaism

Jews for Judaism is an international organization that aims to help Jews strengthen their heritage and counter attempts to convert Jews to other religions. It has branches in several cities, including Baltimore and Los Angeles.

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Institute for Jewish Spirituality

The Institute for Jewish Spirituality uses Torah study, prayer, mindfulness meditation, yoga and spiritual direction and retreats to nurture deeper spirituality among rabbis, cantors and lay people. It is based in New York City but now has a Northern California branch. Rabbi Lisa Goldstein, a Reform rabbi, is its executive director in New York.

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Institute for Judaism and Sexual Orientation

The Institute for Judaism and Sexual Orientation is a program of the Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion that works to educate students – the next generation of Jewish leadership – about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and how to include them in organized Judaism. It maintains a list of synagogues that welcome and affirm LGBT […]

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Tikkun is a bimonthly magazine that covers politics, culture and society. It is published in Berkeley, Calif., with a progressive Jewish sensibility and is edited by Rabbi Michael Lerner. It maintains a network of Tikkun communities throughout the U.S. that are geared toward progressive social action.

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United Muslims of America

United Muslims of America is a nonpartisan public affairs organization that works to promote the participation of Muslims in American public life, including economics, education and politics. The nonprofit organization is based in Sunnyvale, Calif., and is supported by membership fees.

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Hazon is an organization promoting healthy Jewish communities in a variety of ways, including outdoor challenge and food programs. Based in New York, Hazon has developed bike and hike programs, and its food wing promotes community-supported agriculture in 18 communities, up from 10 in 2007. Other food programs include a curriculum, an annual conference and a blog. Nigel […]

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