Society for Pentecostal Studies

The Society for Pentecostal Studies is a scholarly organization that advances the work of Pentecostal and charismatic scholars and studies Pentecostal theology. Dr. Lois E. Olena is executive director. She is based in Springfield, Mo.

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Buddhist Sutras

The Sutras are held sacred by Mahayana Buddhists. They are a loose collection of texts designed to unify contradictions among the various teachings and thus very difficult to describe succinctly.

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Tripitaka (Pali Canon)

The Tripitaka (Pali Canon), which means “three baskets,” is the earliest collection of Buddha’s teachings and the only text revered by Theravada Buddhists. It includes the Vinaya Pitaka (“Discipline Basket”), the Sutta Pitaka (Sutra/ Sayings Basket), and the Abhidhamma Pitaka. The Vinaya Pitaka deals with rules for Theravada monks and nuns and explains etiquette and […]

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Basic Buddhism Guide

Read the Basic Buddhism Guide posted by BuddhaNet, the website of the Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc., based in Australia. BuddhaNet is an effort to create a nonprofit, online “cyber sangha” of people committed to the Buddha’s teachings and lifestyle — an effort to combine an ancient tradition with the information superhighway.

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