Evangelical Covenant Church

This Chicago-based denomination works to fight against human trafficking with its ”Break the Chains” project. The church also has prepared a 40-page booklet to help congregations combat the problem at the local level.

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Chab Dai

Chab Dai is an international organization that combats human trafficking so its victims “can be all that God created them to be.” Its U.S. office is in Sacramento, Calif. Chab Dai also operates in Cambodia, Canada and the United Kingdom. Helen Sworn is the founder and international director.

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Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), for matching grants to states to provide abstinence education and, at state option, mentoring, counseling, and adult supervision to promote abstinence from sexual activity, with a focus on groups that are most likely to bear children out-of-wedlock.

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Women for Sobriety

Women for Sobriety in Quakertown, Pa., describes itself as the first national self-help program for women alcoholics. It was founded by the late Jean Kirkpatrick in 1975 with the belief that women with addictions had different psychological needs in recovery than men. This notion stemmed from the fact that at that time, men had better recovery […]

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Liberty Counsel

The Liberty Counsel is a nonprofit litigation and educational organization based in Orlando. It is dedicated to advancing religious liberty, “the sanctity of human life and the traditional family.” Mathew Staver is its founder and chairman.

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Azizah Magazine

Azizah Magazine focuses on the issues and needs of American Muslim women. It was founded by Tayyibah Taylor and Marlina Soerakoesoemah and is published in Atlanta.

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Islamic Circle of North America

The Islamic Circle of North America is a grass-roots organization working to establish Muslim identity and cohesiveness and to further good works. It has traditionally been an immigrant-led organization. It provides religious instruction and public education, youth programs, social services, disaster relief and services to the homeless. It has a presence in every major city […]

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